Delly Baby
A.K.A. You know your a poor geek when...

I LOVE Delly, don't get me wrong. She's the best thing that ever happened to my geekdome, but seriousely, this IS sad. Perhaps a MAC would have been a better pick for me, yet I'll say this much: I COULDN'T have gotten through my classes at WWC with a MAC alone. I would have had to have both OS on my system at the same time, just to survive, since all of WWC excepting the MAC lab is on a purely Windows based network. Even with that, I still had to do a lot of jump-driving, 'cause they don't yet have a good "FTP" style interface for their wireless users. They seriousely need that.
Anywho, here's to you, Dellilah Ruth, you Imasculating Chick who found her Boaz ;)

I LOVE Delly, don't get me wrong. She's the best thing that ever happened to my geekdome, but seriousely, this IS sad. Perhaps a MAC would have been a better pick for me, yet I'll say this much: I COULDN'T have gotten through my classes at WWC with a MAC alone. I would have had to have both OS on my system at the same time, just to survive, since all of WWC excepting the MAC lab is on a purely Windows based network. Even with that, I still had to do a lot of jump-driving, 'cause they don't yet have a good "FTP" style interface for their wireless users. They seriousely need that.
Anywho, here's to you, Dellilah Ruth, you Imasculating Chick who found her Boaz ;)
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