My Closest Friends
I want to tell you about how good God has been to me, especially over the last, is it almost 11 months now? 10 and 1/2 anyway. He's been there for me all along in years past - many times I should have died in car accidents that either didn't happen but should have, or did happen but weren't as bad as they could have been. I've been the victim of an attempted drowning that failed, I've been assaulted in a number of ways, I've nearly died from untreated pneumonia, and I was homeless for a day (for real, not as a "class event" of some kind in high-school or something). He has seen me through SO much, to bring me to this point in time. And, He's given me several friends in the last couple of years, but there are two in particular who I want to talk about now.
Of course, I'm referring to my closest confidants, Erik and April. Most of you know at least one of them, though a couple of you probably don't have a clue who I'm talking about. I'm writing about them here because they have made such an impact on my life in just a few short months. They've been my Spiritual Sibblings, and even played the parts of "mom" and "dad" at my Spiritual Betrothal party. Now, I do know Erik a lot better than I know April, though technically, I've known her for around 3 years, after I met her at the Umapine church. But I want to say here that they are both such unique spirits... I'm glad to have met them. I've had my ups and downs with each of them, as happens in real friendships, but in the end, there is Love.
"Daddy" Erik has held my emotional hand through some of the toughest times I ever faced. I mentioned before that he put up with me dumping a lot of my old baggage onto him. Not only that, but he put up with my shinanigans as well! He has been kind enough to offer his eternal friendship, and I know that he means that, because he has already proven it so many times in the past. He has continually worked to bring my focus back onto God, my Hubby *grins*, and has never allowed me to stray, yet has never tried to make my choices for me. I always wind up regretting it when I wonder if he'll really still be there for me (I suffer from abandonment issues, which I continue to work through, and which are NOT his fault at all). And I'm always so thankful for the Meaningful and thoughtful gifts that God gives me through Erik. Erik is a Gift, in my book, and I'm so thankful for him. I look forward to Spiritually Blessed times spent with him.
"Mommy" April has shown me a whole different side to life. She has helped me to find out what it means to be Beautiful and to have fun again. Before I met her, I hadn't really had a lot of FUN. I had tried to. Don't get me wrong. I've hung out at fun events with many of you, but inside, I wasn't really having fun, because I didn't know how. April has taught me how precious I am as God's Bride, and how I should think good things about myself, rather than focussing on all the negatives. April is also a Gift, and I enjoy having her in my life. I look forward to more Time spent getting to know her better as well.
Erik and April, I am writing this because, in your own unique ways, you have many times been Jesus to me, and I'm so thankful for those times, and I think you and those times are worth making mention of! No one else has made a greater impact on me emotionally and Spiritually. I am SO Blessed to know each of you! I know that no matter what comes, you and I will be friends for a very long time, and I know that in Heaven we will have an Eternity to spend in Perfect Oneness Together, with God. I'm glad to know I have a future, and that you each are in it, but I know now that if I died tonight, I would have attained everything in Life that's really important, and that's because you have both been willing to let God work through you to reach me. Everything I get to do in life now is just icing on the cake!
Thank you for the parts you each play in my life :D I Love you both very much (L)