This is Erik's Heart, in a nutshell :D

I'm not writing this because I have to, or because I think I should, or any of that. In fact, Erik has no idea I'm writing it! Just to clarify :)
Erik is definetely a way outstanding, and very cool dude. Because of wacko circumstances, I'll probably always remember the date I met him, and since I'm writing this up, I guess I'll never have an excuse to forget :June 1, 2005. This last June, we celebrated that meeting by having a book discussion on the Christian Hedonism book, Desiring God, by John Piper (I STILL have to finish it!)
Erik has seriousely been through so incredibly much with me that friendship has to offer - and yet, there's ALWAYS more :D We've traveled down so many roads and been through so many things together. He followed his heart to the Library when he knew that God wanted him to meet someone there, and when I showed up, he didn't have to ask if I was that person, he just knew it was me (God had told me to go meet him at the Library as well, and within an hour, I realized it was him). He offered me a chance to go through his Bible study, to find Salvation and a real Relationship with God, to learn to like his rats (I'm working on rats in general, :p), to gain a true friend, brother, and partner in crime under God, and to, most recently, learn what it means to genuinely be Loved by an awsome person, and to for once in my life, unreservedly Love another human being as well. I've always Loved my brother, Jeff, but as I've said before, he isn't able to be the complete brother to me that Erik is. Autism screwed him over. Erik has more than made up for what Jeff is unable to have in a relationship with me.
I want to say here that while I'm writing up probably the most endearing livagie for Erik, he'd be the FIRST to want it pointed out that he's not perfect, and so I'll throw that in for good measure ;) What's cool is that regardless of all the good or imperfect things I could say about him, none of that matters: I Love him. How can I not? He Loves me :D For those who've missed the caveat in prior posts, that's a platonic thing. Please see my post on Love. I'm far from perfect myself. There have been times I've caused him seriouse and rather complete pain, without having any idea I was doing so, and still he has Loved me through it all. And he's always forgiven me, told me that he understands, that everything's going to be alright, and that he's there for me. It matters most to him that I know God's Love for me, but it also matters to him that I know that he Loves me. He works incredibly hard to be Jesus to me, and continues to remind me that he'll always keep working to gain my trust. Well, Erik, you have it :)
Recently, I had an awsome opportunity to get a good look at his eyes. They tell a thousand stories, of God's Love and Erik's too, and so I wanted to share that with you :D
I'm not writing this because I have to, or because I think I should, or any of that. In fact, Erik has no idea I'm writing it! Just to clarify :)
Erik is definetely a way outstanding, and very cool dude. Because of wacko circumstances, I'll probably always remember the date I met him, and since I'm writing this up, I guess I'll never have an excuse to forget :June 1, 2005. This last June, we celebrated that meeting by having a book discussion on the Christian Hedonism book, Desiring God, by John Piper (I STILL have to finish it!)
Erik has seriousely been through so incredibly much with me that friendship has to offer - and yet, there's ALWAYS more :D We've traveled down so many roads and been through so many things together. He followed his heart to the Library when he knew that God wanted him to meet someone there, and when I showed up, he didn't have to ask if I was that person, he just knew it was me (God had told me to go meet him at the Library as well, and within an hour, I realized it was him). He offered me a chance to go through his Bible study, to find Salvation and a real Relationship with God, to learn to like his rats (I'm working on rats in general, :p), to gain a true friend, brother, and partner in crime under God, and to, most recently, learn what it means to genuinely be Loved by an awsome person, and to for once in my life, unreservedly Love another human being as well. I've always Loved my brother, Jeff, but as I've said before, he isn't able to be the complete brother to me that Erik is. Autism screwed him over. Erik has more than made up for what Jeff is unable to have in a relationship with me.
I want to say here that while I'm writing up probably the most endearing livagie for Erik, he'd be the FIRST to want it pointed out that he's not perfect, and so I'll throw that in for good measure ;) What's cool is that regardless of all the good or imperfect things I could say about him, none of that matters: I Love him. How can I not? He Loves me :D For those who've missed the caveat in prior posts, that's a platonic thing. Please see my post on Love. I'm far from perfect myself. There have been times I've caused him seriouse and rather complete pain, without having any idea I was doing so, and still he has Loved me through it all. And he's always forgiven me, told me that he understands, that everything's going to be alright, and that he's there for me. It matters most to him that I know God's Love for me, but it also matters to him that I know that he Loves me. He works incredibly hard to be Jesus to me, and continues to remind me that he'll always keep working to gain my trust. Well, Erik, you have it :)
Recently, I had an awsome opportunity to get a good look at his eyes. They tell a thousand stories, of God's Love and Erik's too, and so I wanted to share that with you :D

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