Alright folks, I'm in kind of a strange mood today, but I think it's a good thing. I was just rethinking about how I really am jealous of the lives that some people have led (no, I don't think that's always a bad thing). What can I do with this "lemon"? Yeah, yeah, lemonaid, har har. Funny. I've noted that the only people who say that are people who've bought the lemon groves, who have their own processing plants, and who use the tar outta those things to pay for their expensive lifestyles -- they're people who don't really have a care in the world. Add God to their lives and they're just all the happier. They have no idea what it's like to REALLY struggle with anything at all. Anywho, I had an epiphony last night about "lemonaid." It really isn't any good if you don't dump in TONS of sugar, and perhaps some cherry, strawberry, or raspberry juice, just for kicks. And you HAVE to add plenty of water! Um, have you ever had candied lemon peel? I know some people like those things, and I don't mind licking the sugar off the peels, but, erm, the peels themselves just ruin the whole experience for me, so I tend not to eat them. Well, anyway, that's what "lemonaid" tastes like when you don't add the water! So, in life, I need more than I have in order to have what I need. What is "more than I have"? Well, I have God and I have friends, yet God has more than I'll ever have, and my friends are more than I'll ever need -- so, my cup runs over! Mmmm....
So, on to the original thought, about what to do with this problem I seem to have with being jealous of certain people who just seem to have what I've always wanted. Why not just look forward to emulating either them, or the people who helped in making their lives so great that I'm honestly jealous? Yes, God is responsible for what kind of person I am. But I've wondered if perhaps He's tapping me on the shoulder and saying "Caroline, LEARN something here, ok?"
So then, people I'd like to emulate in the future. Yeah, I'm going to start with the Aagards - so sue me! You people are great people and you've done a lot of things right, and I love the results of your labors. Laura, have no fear, there ARE other people I'm adding to this list as well. Also, no, I'm not saying that everyone on this list has perfect lives or something. I'm just recognising those things in certain people which I genuinely would like to encorporate into my existance. That's all I'm saying here.
Earl - you've always been there for your kids, you've enabled them to participate in and appreciate the finer things in literary life as well as in real life. You provided a quiet, uncluttered, decent home for them in a setting that fostered their minds and hearts. I want to be that kind of parent.
Gail - heh, you rock! When I read about that trip you and Laura took, the one where you just all the sudden decided to hitch-hike like that, I KNEW I wanted to be that kind of mom - the kind who's not afraid to have fun and try new, exotic things with her kids.
Thor - I remember you always being the deeply thoughtful big brother of my best friend. You've always been there to protect her yet you've always accepted her the way she is and didn't try to run her life. I want to be that kind of friend to people, as well as that kind of parent to my kids.
Ok, I suppose in a way I DID just eulogise the Aagard family. Now, on to the Camachos ;)
Les - You are way cool, dude! You speak life as it is, you love the people in it, and you grasp the greater signifigance of the moments and people in your life on a deep level. You TOTALLY impressed me with the way you put EGW in her place ;) It wasn't just THAT you did it, it was HOW you did it. I couldn't have said it better myself. I want to be that intelligent and that honest of a person. I want to have a deeper level of commitment to the people in my life than I currently have toward some (my family, for instance). I want to understand the fuller meaning of having those people in my life.
Laura - You are so sweet! You CHERISH every moment of life and everyone in it. You ENJOY every moment and person too, whether you are happy or not - you do enjoy it all :) You capture life and people in a way that few people ever do. You are a Joy. I WANT to be that kind of person on the whole. I want to be that kind of friend, mom, sister, wife, co-worker, granddaughter, cousin...
Now, on to my friends this side of Wally World ;)
Erik - brother, you DO have a closer relationship with God than I'll probably have for a long time, if ever. He gave that to you. I WOULD like to have a closer relationship to God than I have, and I WOULD like it if He spoke through me more often the way He's spoken through you. Of course we are all different. That's a good thing! We each edify one another in unique ways and that's all cool, but I will admit that I've always wanted to be someone who He used all the time the way He uses you to reach others -- especially when you've emailed me yourself and asked me if God has given me anything for you. I suppose He kind of did that one time, and I did my best to articulate that, but really, I was only vaguely sure that was from Him.
April - I wish I had your knack for making contact with the right people and finding employment. I want to be someone who doesn't find it so hard to find work! I would also like to be someone who can read other people's body language and hear the messages in what they are saying the way you can. I've always struggled with that and have wanted to be that kind of person for a LONG time now.
Angela - You are a genuine sweetheart :) You are "right to the point" and unafraid to just ask people what's going on with them, instead of hauling off and making assumptions. I want to be that kind of person as well. I adore how you always want people in your life to be happy people, and how you are willing to give of yourself to make that happen. You are observant about their inner wishes and dreams, and whenever possible, you work to make those dreams come true. I TOTALLY want to be that way!
Carissa - You are just SO adorable! You have a great laugh and smile, and a vivacious personality that is from the Heart and Soul of Someone Beautiful! You have no inhibitions whatsoever, you have tact and good judgement, and you have wisdom beyond your years. You see people as they really are and love them instinctively. You share what you have with those in need. You are responsible and honest. I want to be these things in my life.
Nadia - Girl, you are AWSOME! I love how you talk, your exagerated body language, and your LOVE for your friends! Heh - just LOOK at your photo up there! Remember that day? THAT is WHO YOU ARE in a nutshell! I NEED to be that kind of person!
Rachel - I'll get your pic up soon, I just need to finish my Blogger photo archiving process. I love your honesty, your incredible intelligence, and your wit. You have a certain instant chemistry between yourself and others that draws people to you. You don't get bogged down by the troubles of this life, though they are many. You can't be insulted personally. You stick up for what you believe. I want to be that kind of person.
Ok, now that I've lambasted my family for the whole internet to read about, I'll add some good things about them to this list...
Dad - You told me to be a Democrat. For years. Even though I wouldn't listen for 25 or so of them, you just kept trying, because you thought it was the right way. While I don't find that democratic at all, I will say this: I now agree with Democracy and can't stand the ultra-conservative-right-wing-republican "we're always right" way of treating other people. I just find it to be inhuman. So, I'm now a Democrat. Or I'm trying anyway. I want to be a better Democrat - to always let people be who they are, to enjoy them for who they are, and to not worry about whether they are right or not.
Mom - You finished college, got your Masters, etc. You worked to support our family, sometimes 10 or more hours in a day, every day, for 30 some odd years. You kept us fed, clothed, and certainly DID instill a sense of right and wrong. I don't agree with how you did that, but you did do it. You eventually decided that Democracy is better than Republicanism as well, and you continue to learn the lessons therein as we try desperately to fumble our way through applying those lessons here at home. You took me swimming and ice skating when I was very small. You made sure I could read on the 1st grade level by the time I was 4 1/2. You didn't force me to become right handed when I was clearly ambidextral. You taught me to cook, bake, and sew. I want to be the kind of woman who is highly educated, who is employable, who provides in her own way what her family needs from her, and who is used by God to show her kids what's right and wrong in this life. I want to have Democracy in God as the motto of my home. And I want to be involved in my kids' lives, having fun with them, showing them that life doesn't have to revolve around housework and watching Seseme Street. I want them to have good, healthy food to eat that's well prepared, and I want to pass on EVERY cooking METHOD you ever taught me, especially all the ways you use seran-wrap! Heh - perhaps I do love some things about you after all. We have much work ahead of us, and only God can do it.