The Rock is Love: Livagies
Compliments are for the living...

Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Desert: God Help Me
I've been given a warning, basically a prophesy of sorts, from God through Erik, (about a month ago), that I would be going through a desert experience where it would seem like God wasn't around as much and wouldn't be talking as much to me, if at all. Yes, God WILL BE and IS here for me! But the warning is that it would seem to me, in my perception, that He's not. Erik also told me that he felt that my time living with my parents was over, and that I would soon be leaving, but he didn't know when or where I would go. If it had not been for previous experiences with Erik's revelations coming to pass, I would have disregarded this as the ramblings of a beloved friend. But I know better than that now. Yes, apparently, God IS interested in the personal lives of His Beloved children as individuals. Not ALL prophesies are corporate and for the physical nation of Israel.
Then all the things I've blogged about recently came to pass. Whether or not mom and dad want me to live here isn't the point: God wants me to leave. But furthermore, I just realized (hence, I'm writing about this) that not only is this "desert" a place where I won't know for sure what's going on (I think I'm already there), but I also get the "joy" (I say this dryly) of not having tons of contact with all my friends throughout the summer. Many of you are WWC students and will be going home. Some will be on your IMers there, and so we can stay in touch! Some may not be able to do that. In fact, I'm suspecting that one of my closest friends will not be online at all this summer, and so if I want to be in touch with her, it will be by snail mail.
LOL - remember that? That weird thing called paper that you write or print on, fold up, stick in this other weirdly cut and folded piece of paper, then you lick it, close it, stick another tiny piece of paper on it with glue on one side and numbers on the other, and then write some more stuff on the outside, then you put it in this really strange looking metal or wood contraption, and put up this really really strange plastic doo-hickey and then sit and watch out your window as some complete stranger takes it away? Remember what it felt like as a kid to think that as soon as they took it away, they should put another one in it's place that was just for you? Remember those days? Heh - I almost forgot them myself ;)
In any case, the truth is, I don't know where most of you are going this summer. In fact, one of my other closest friends may, from what I've gathered, move back home perminently and I may not get to see him again for a very long time after spring quarter is over. And then there are those of you who THINK you are coming back next year and then, wonder of wonders, you'll change your minds and run off to Andrews, Southern, Loma Linda...! And then of course, those of you who are graduating or getting married - well, as far as I know, none of you plan to stay in the local area at all. And so it will be a long time before I ever get to see you in person again either.
I want to say here first of all that I AM GLAD to have met and gotten to know each one of you. No, I'm still avoiding the whole eulogy thing ;) I'd rather keep up my friendships with each of you than to use that as some way of saying goodbye. I don't say "goodbye." I always say "later" or "see ya" or "until next time." I never say "have a good life" unless it's to someone who knows they'll see me again and I'm just wishing them well, and not saying goodbye.
I'll be honest though. Knowing that some of you I may not physically see again for a long time - that's a part of this desert experience I had not at all contemplated prior to about 20 minutes ago. I knew that things were going to get hard, because trying to move out of my parents' home is very difficult indeed. But I will admit that not seeing you all as much is a pill I was not prepared to swallow. I will do that though, knowing that God will keep us all together in His Time and Way, and so there is nothing to fear. It's just a matter of missing some of my friends on the long term - it's something I have to learn to deal with.
So, the desert is hot, the pools of water are low and few, and my food is the Bible and whatever words God chooses to share with me. Yet I am not alone. For one, I know that even when I can't feel God with/in me, He IS there. This is a comfort. He Guides me, Teaches me, keeps me fed and sheltered, and He hugs me often, especially when my heart hurts. He takes good care of me. For another, Erik has promised that regardless of what happens, he will be there for me in ways that I won't know. Were he almost anyone else, I wouldn't believe this, but I know from personal experience that Erik really does mean that. He has proven over and over to be a true friend, someone who has me in the prayer-corner of his heart, along with all of his other friends and family. I've seen the way he prays over me - it's real, it's deep, it's loving, and it's complete because it is driven solely by God's Spirit and God's Love for me.
God has been good enough to me to put a few things in my nap-sack. The Betrothal Party and my Mariage-style-baptism, and everything included in them are with me always. The knowledge of God and the trust in Him that I've learned over and over to have, are also with me forever. God gave me the prayers that April and Erik prayed over my little jar of olive oil, that I can now take whereever I go. What a blessing! And I can tell now that I am truly leaving behind the comforts of the wood I had once enjoyed while I "grew up" in God, and can now only look back at it with fondness and remember that I do have an even better Home awaiting me on the other side of this desert. And I know that all of you will be there too :D I can't wait to get through this and come out on the other side a much "stronger woman" than when I entered this desert.
Yes, Erik, I do look forward to the rest of this journey. There are mountains on the other side, the Lion walks with us, and so all is good in the end. Yes, I'm Insane. You've said it yourself, twice now. It's in that Insanity that I've found Reality, and so I can walk on air above the water hand in Hand with our Yeshua HaMashiach, our Savior, the Messiah. He won't let me go, and He'll never say goodbye. There's a Caroline-shaped place in His Heart, and I fit into it Perfectly.
He has a place for each one of you too, so never fear that He's somehow not around or something. Anyone who tells you that He's not there for you UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE is NOT from Him! He LOVES you way too much to let go of you. Please always remember that.
I LOVE each of you dearly.
Then all the things I've blogged about recently came to pass. Whether or not mom and dad want me to live here isn't the point: God wants me to leave. But furthermore, I just realized (hence, I'm writing about this) that not only is this "desert" a place where I won't know for sure what's going on (I think I'm already there), but I also get the "joy" (I say this dryly) of not having tons of contact with all my friends throughout the summer. Many of you are WWC students and will be going home. Some will be on your IMers there, and so we can stay in touch! Some may not be able to do that. In fact, I'm suspecting that one of my closest friends will not be online at all this summer, and so if I want to be in touch with her, it will be by snail mail.
LOL - remember that? That weird thing called paper that you write or print on, fold up, stick in this other weirdly cut and folded piece of paper, then you lick it, close it, stick another tiny piece of paper on it with glue on one side and numbers on the other, and then write some more stuff on the outside, then you put it in this really strange looking metal or wood contraption, and put up this really really strange plastic doo-hickey and then sit and watch out your window as some complete stranger takes it away? Remember what it felt like as a kid to think that as soon as they took it away, they should put another one in it's place that was just for you? Remember those days? Heh - I almost forgot them myself ;)
In any case, the truth is, I don't know where most of you are going this summer. In fact, one of my other closest friends may, from what I've gathered, move back home perminently and I may not get to see him again for a very long time after spring quarter is over. And then there are those of you who THINK you are coming back next year and then, wonder of wonders, you'll change your minds and run off to Andrews, Southern, Loma Linda...! And then of course, those of you who are graduating or getting married - well, as far as I know, none of you plan to stay in the local area at all. And so it will be a long time before I ever get to see you in person again either.
I want to say here first of all that I AM GLAD to have met and gotten to know each one of you. No, I'm still avoiding the whole eulogy thing ;) I'd rather keep up my friendships with each of you than to use that as some way of saying goodbye. I don't say "goodbye." I always say "later" or "see ya" or "until next time." I never say "have a good life" unless it's to someone who knows they'll see me again and I'm just wishing them well, and not saying goodbye.
I'll be honest though. Knowing that some of you I may not physically see again for a long time - that's a part of this desert experience I had not at all contemplated prior to about 20 minutes ago. I knew that things were going to get hard, because trying to move out of my parents' home is very difficult indeed. But I will admit that not seeing you all as much is a pill I was not prepared to swallow. I will do that though, knowing that God will keep us all together in His Time and Way, and so there is nothing to fear. It's just a matter of missing some of my friends on the long term - it's something I have to learn to deal with.
So, the desert is hot, the pools of water are low and few, and my food is the Bible and whatever words God chooses to share with me. Yet I am not alone. For one, I know that even when I can't feel God with/in me, He IS there. This is a comfort. He Guides me, Teaches me, keeps me fed and sheltered, and He hugs me often, especially when my heart hurts. He takes good care of me. For another, Erik has promised that regardless of what happens, he will be there for me in ways that I won't know. Were he almost anyone else, I wouldn't believe this, but I know from personal experience that Erik really does mean that. He has proven over and over to be a true friend, someone who has me in the prayer-corner of his heart, along with all of his other friends and family. I've seen the way he prays over me - it's real, it's deep, it's loving, and it's complete because it is driven solely by God's Spirit and God's Love for me.
God has been good enough to me to put a few things in my nap-sack. The Betrothal Party and my Mariage-style-baptism, and everything included in them are with me always. The knowledge of God and the trust in Him that I've learned over and over to have, are also with me forever. God gave me the prayers that April and Erik prayed over my little jar of olive oil, that I can now take whereever I go. What a blessing! And I can tell now that I am truly leaving behind the comforts of the wood I had once enjoyed while I "grew up" in God, and can now only look back at it with fondness and remember that I do have an even better Home awaiting me on the other side of this desert. And I know that all of you will be there too :D I can't wait to get through this and come out on the other side a much "stronger woman" than when I entered this desert.
Yes, Erik, I do look forward to the rest of this journey. There are mountains on the other side, the Lion walks with us, and so all is good in the end. Yes, I'm Insane. You've said it yourself, twice now. It's in that Insanity that I've found Reality, and so I can walk on air above the water hand in Hand with our Yeshua HaMashiach, our Savior, the Messiah. He won't let me go, and He'll never say goodbye. There's a Caroline-shaped place in His Heart, and I fit into it Perfectly.
He has a place for each one of you too, so never fear that He's somehow not around or something. Anyone who tells you that He's not there for you UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE is NOT from Him! He LOVES you way too much to let go of you. Please always remember that.
I LOVE each of you dearly.
Friday, May 19, 2006
I've decided that one of my life's creeds is simply that people ought to compliment each other more. Or at all. Until last night, no one had ever told me that I am FUN to be around. Ever. And this rocked me to the core, later on, when I really had a chance to contemplate the impact this had on me. There is something special in each person. We all know that. But it's easy to forget that YOU are special, in a good way, and that you are LIKEABLE. Why? Well, throughout one's childhood, kids make fun of you, your grades seem to make or break you as a person for 8 hours a day, and if your teachers/parents are anything like mine were, they constantly go looking for any little thing they can find wrong with you too. Life generally sucks for many of us because we got off to a bad start, living in a world where nobody cares about what's RIGHT with you. Granted, some of us just seem to have the goods in life handed to us on a silver platter by God Himself. But most of us aren't so well endowed with good lives from the start, and I'd like to remind any "silver-spooners" here of that fact, and to spend the next paragraph explaining it further.
It doesn't help that you work your butt off throughout your late teens and early 20s, just to be rejected by those of the opposite sex, your potential (or current) employers, and often times even members of your own family... The pain just seems endless as you lose more and more of your self-respect to everyone around you who tend more often to dislike you than to like you for who you really are deep down. It becomes nearly impossible to open up to anyone at all, and if you ever do, one hint of rejection from that person can nearly put you over the edge, which of course, is a TOTALLY unhealthy way to live - yet you are stuck living that way because you honestly don't know anything else. You may be aware that you have some inate value, but what good is it if no one else can see that too? You wonder "Are the good things I think about myself just all in my head? Should I be so conceited as to like anything about myself at all? If no one else sees anything good in me, then why should I really care about myself?" For those of us who are drowning in the sugarless lemonaide we keep trying to make out of the avalanche of lemons we've been endowed with over the years, near suicidal, almost manic-depression, becomes our shadow, best friend, and middle name. It takes YEARS to even begin to work through all the junk we've been put through, and some people really do go a little nuts while trying to work through it all.
No, I don't believe we all ought to force ourselves to tell everyone around us that we love them and why. I've heard of people who do that - to me, because it's forced, it's also F.A.K.E. Big time FAKE. While the sentiments might be real, the fact that they were forced out of a person, rather than coming out genuinely, spontaniousely, on the fly... That fact gives me great cause to struggle with not judging people who force themselves to say nice things to people. The compliment I recieved last night was NOT fake nor was it forced! In fact, it really did take me by surprise. I honestly did NOT see myself as being FUN to be with until, just on the fly like that, I was TOLD that I AM fun to be around! If I had been told this because I was the recipient of some do-gooder who wanted to clear their concience of having not ever complimented me or something, I wouldn't have really taken it to heart. I wouldn't have believed it. But the fact was that this compliment came at a time when I honestly thought that I was someone who nobody really likes having around, mainly because no one HAD ever told me that I'm fun to have around. At least not that I can remember. I apologise here if anyone reading this has ever said that to me and somehow I forgot it. Well, at least last night, it really stuck with me. I GET IT now - I'm FUN to be around!
I want to explain here that I'm not at all saying that none of you have ever been nice to me, or that somehow, you have all been rude or mean or something. In fact, the opposite is true - you HAVE been kind to me, not rude or mean, as so many people in my past have been! Yet what most of you didn't know about me was the the key to lighting up my opinion about myself was just one simple compliment about me as a person, in that I'm actually FUN to be around. I've needed for my whole life to have someone say that to me. Maybe that's weird, but that's me. I needed to know that it's not just all in my head, with me thinking that I'm a fun person to be around.
No, I'm not going to sit here and write up eulogies for all of you, my faithful friends who come and read about my weird life and crazy musings. That wouldn't be sincere, because it's something you may have expected to see in this post. Instead, I have decided that in the future, if I have a compliment for someone, especially if it's about their charictor or how I enjoy them, I'm not going to hold back on it for fear of sounding weird or out of place. I can only hope that this will make a REAL difference in the lives of people around me. We ALL need to be Loved, and TOLD what's RIGHT with us. Until it really sank in this morning that this compliment was GENUINE because it was on the fly, I really DIDN'T know that the core of my being is so highly valued by someone OTHER than God! Of course, God was the real source of that compliment, but the way it was given, I know He wasn't the only one giving it.
Why am I not naming my complimentor? I don't want to set one person up higher than anyone else, excepting to say that I do highly value this person's opinion of me, probably more than most people's, and it's second only to God and perhaps one other person in my life at this time. Also, the point is NOT for everyone reading this to focus on the one who complimented me, but rather, I'd like to keep the focus on what really happened here: a GENUINE compliment that made a REAL difference in who I am and what I think of myself, how I feel about myself, and how I can have a certain real confidence about who I am as the woman that God Made me into! I no longer have to wonder "Am I really acceptable and wanted here, or am I just being humored?"
I now know that anyone who doesn't happen to like me just hasn't gotten to know me very well, which is to their disadvantage, not necessarily to mine. It's not about my value being at stake, because I now KNOW that, on the human level (not just on the Spiritual), I HAVE that value. Yes, I should have known that before, as my complimentor has done SO much for me in the past, cried over me, starved over me, lost sleep over me, and I suspect made a deal or two with God over me (though that's not confirmed). Somehow, until last night though, this really didn't "click" in my brain and heart. It had started to a few times before, but this was somehow different. It was the UNEXPECTEDNESS of this compliment that sealed the deal for me.
What's it like now, knowing that I'm actually WORTH having around??? For 31 years, I didn't really KNOW that, so I'm still adjusting to it. Honestly, I'm so accustomed to the depression that goes along with always wondering if anyone really likes having me around that I think it's going to take some time for this "newfound" human value of mine to really sink in.
So anyway, the whole reason I'm writing this is that I want to encourage you to STOP holding it back if you think something really great about someone. Don't worry about the circumstances (though I wouldn't suggest interupting your boss!), just SAY it! Don't worry about what others will think of you, or even if it might be taken the wrong way (God will give you some tactful way of phrasing it if you ask Him). No, you don't have to go overboard. In fact, I suggest that you don't - at least not if you are complimenting me! The power of a genuine one-liner can NOT be understated, at least in my world.
So, please don't hold back anymore! Just say it, and watch someone's eyes light up and feel their world change for the better. "People need people." Yes, "People need the Lord" too, but that does NOT diminish how we NEED each other, especially when it comes to genuine compliments about each other as people.
It doesn't help that you work your butt off throughout your late teens and early 20s, just to be rejected by those of the opposite sex, your potential (or current) employers, and often times even members of your own family... The pain just seems endless as you lose more and more of your self-respect to everyone around you who tend more often to dislike you than to like you for who you really are deep down. It becomes nearly impossible to open up to anyone at all, and if you ever do, one hint of rejection from that person can nearly put you over the edge, which of course, is a TOTALLY unhealthy way to live - yet you are stuck living that way because you honestly don't know anything else. You may be aware that you have some inate value, but what good is it if no one else can see that too? You wonder "Are the good things I think about myself just all in my head? Should I be so conceited as to like anything about myself at all? If no one else sees anything good in me, then why should I really care about myself?" For those of us who are drowning in the sugarless lemonaide we keep trying to make out of the avalanche of lemons we've been endowed with over the years, near suicidal, almost manic-depression, becomes our shadow, best friend, and middle name. It takes YEARS to even begin to work through all the junk we've been put through, and some people really do go a little nuts while trying to work through it all.
No, I don't believe we all ought to force ourselves to tell everyone around us that we love them and why. I've heard of people who do that - to me, because it's forced, it's also F.A.K.E. Big time FAKE. While the sentiments might be real, the fact that they were forced out of a person, rather than coming out genuinely, spontaniousely, on the fly... That fact gives me great cause to struggle with not judging people who force themselves to say nice things to people. The compliment I recieved last night was NOT fake nor was it forced! In fact, it really did take me by surprise. I honestly did NOT see myself as being FUN to be with until, just on the fly like that, I was TOLD that I AM fun to be around! If I had been told this because I was the recipient of some do-gooder who wanted to clear their concience of having not ever complimented me or something, I wouldn't have really taken it to heart. I wouldn't have believed it. But the fact was that this compliment came at a time when I honestly thought that I was someone who nobody really likes having around, mainly because no one HAD ever told me that I'm fun to have around. At least not that I can remember. I apologise here if anyone reading this has ever said that to me and somehow I forgot it. Well, at least last night, it really stuck with me. I GET IT now - I'm FUN to be around!
I want to explain here that I'm not at all saying that none of you have ever been nice to me, or that somehow, you have all been rude or mean or something. In fact, the opposite is true - you HAVE been kind to me, not rude or mean, as so many people in my past have been! Yet what most of you didn't know about me was the the key to lighting up my opinion about myself was just one simple compliment about me as a person, in that I'm actually FUN to be around. I've needed for my whole life to have someone say that to me. Maybe that's weird, but that's me. I needed to know that it's not just all in my head, with me thinking that I'm a fun person to be around.
No, I'm not going to sit here and write up eulogies for all of you, my faithful friends who come and read about my weird life and crazy musings. That wouldn't be sincere, because it's something you may have expected to see in this post. Instead, I have decided that in the future, if I have a compliment for someone, especially if it's about their charictor or how I enjoy them, I'm not going to hold back on it for fear of sounding weird or out of place. I can only hope that this will make a REAL difference in the lives of people around me. We ALL need to be Loved, and TOLD what's RIGHT with us. Until it really sank in this morning that this compliment was GENUINE because it was on the fly, I really DIDN'T know that the core of my being is so highly valued by someone OTHER than God! Of course, God was the real source of that compliment, but the way it was given, I know He wasn't the only one giving it.
Why am I not naming my complimentor? I don't want to set one person up higher than anyone else, excepting to say that I do highly value this person's opinion of me, probably more than most people's, and it's second only to God and perhaps one other person in my life at this time. Also, the point is NOT for everyone reading this to focus on the one who complimented me, but rather, I'd like to keep the focus on what really happened here: a GENUINE compliment that made a REAL difference in who I am and what I think of myself, how I feel about myself, and how I can have a certain real confidence about who I am as the woman that God Made me into! I no longer have to wonder "Am I really acceptable and wanted here, or am I just being humored?"
I now know that anyone who doesn't happen to like me just hasn't gotten to know me very well, which is to their disadvantage, not necessarily to mine. It's not about my value being at stake, because I now KNOW that, on the human level (not just on the Spiritual), I HAVE that value. Yes, I should have known that before, as my complimentor has done SO much for me in the past, cried over me, starved over me, lost sleep over me, and I suspect made a deal or two with God over me (though that's not confirmed). Somehow, until last night though, this really didn't "click" in my brain and heart. It had started to a few times before, but this was somehow different. It was the UNEXPECTEDNESS of this compliment that sealed the deal for me.
What's it like now, knowing that I'm actually WORTH having around??? For 31 years, I didn't really KNOW that, so I'm still adjusting to it. Honestly, I'm so accustomed to the depression that goes along with always wondering if anyone really likes having me around that I think it's going to take some time for this "newfound" human value of mine to really sink in.
So anyway, the whole reason I'm writing this is that I want to encourage you to STOP holding it back if you think something really great about someone. Don't worry about the circumstances (though I wouldn't suggest interupting your boss!), just SAY it! Don't worry about what others will think of you, or even if it might be taken the wrong way (God will give you some tactful way of phrasing it if you ask Him). No, you don't have to go overboard. In fact, I suggest that you don't - at least not if you are complimenting me! The power of a genuine one-liner can NOT be understated, at least in my world.
So, please don't hold back anymore! Just say it, and watch someone's eyes light up and feel their world change for the better. "People need people." Yes, "People need the Lord" too, but that does NOT diminish how we NEED each other, especially when it comes to genuine compliments about each other as people.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Blessing Count (8, 1, 4)
Re: "I should try to remember that it's not what I want that counts, but what God can do with what I have, or how He can change my life circumstances to give me what I need." (From Perfectionist!!!) and "You can’t get down about the story God is writing for you by reading other peoples totally different stories. By doing that, you’re missing out on the joy of your own life... there’s not much I’m supposed to say to you except that you’re asking the wrong person to tell you what your abundant blessings are right now. I don’t know. But JESUS does." (From an email from Laura.)
So what Blessings HAS God given me?
What can God do with what I have?
Not really sure at this point. That's for Him to reveal as my Journey continues.
How can God change my life circumstances to give me what I need?
This is where Faith comes in, because there are some changes that are pretty clear to me that God will be making in my life.
Well, that's all I've got for now. I'll be updating this over time, and will change the (#'s) in the title as I do so.
(First published: May 11, 2006)
So what Blessings HAS God given me?
- Being Spiritually Married to Jesus, and learning that God is my Dad.
- Love from Jeff (my brother), Erik, (my Spiritual brother), my Spiritual Sisters, Laura, Jeanette, Genneya, Lichelle, Stacie and April in particular, as well as Angie, Nadia, and a few other friends I've recently met through April, and "Annie" (as I'm now nicnaming my Anonymous friend who's also my Spiritual Sister)
- A professional relationship/friendship with Sharif, the guy who works on my web site, and also with Michael, who worked on it before Sharif. Nice, casual friendships with Gabe and David.
- Kindness from the Kleins (family friends, though I don't get to see them or talk to them hardly ever).
- The ability to have a web site, a blog, an IMer, email... Basically, the Internet is a huge blessing. Remember life before the Internet? We found ways to make things sort of fun, but, well, this is a LOT better, I think. At least it is for me. Massive communication tool, free flying information, and good shopping sites! All from the desktop of Caroline.
- My car, Jeb. That's right folks, had to trade in old Norm three and a half years ago. He was falling apart at the seems. Amazingly, I actually got $200.00 for him. Sadly, I think Jeb is headed in the same direction.
- Restoration of friendships and finding Love in people I never knew could Love me.
- It's humanly possible for things to be positive between me and mom, if I work really, really hard at it.
What can God do with what I have?
Not really sure at this point. That's for Him to reveal as my Journey continues.
- God has told me to start packing. I don't know where I'll be moving to, or when.
How can God change my life circumstances to give me what I need?
This is where Faith comes in, because there are some changes that are pretty clear to me that God will be making in my life.
- Move out of parents' house.
- Get married sometime in the future.
- Have kids afterwards.
- Actually find out what it means to ENJOY family life with other family members who also take time to ENJOY each other and life together in God.
Well, that's all I've got for now. I'll be updating this over time, and will change the (#'s) in the title as I do so.
(First published: May 11, 2006)